Sunday, September 7, 2008

People ask for Pictures which calls for Picture People

Molly (2) has NEVER been cuter!

My Aubrey Girl (almost 4)


I used Jen's advice from the Hair post and did both girls hair that way! I have done it on Aubrey with 3 a number of times over the last week - she calls it 'princess hair'. I did it to Molly for the first time at the Picture People while her daddy held her down :)


Sunshine said...

So friggin adorable!!!

InTheFastLane said...

they are so cute! And I love the hair! Makes me (almost) wish I had a little girl again, to do her hair. Almost...

anne watson said...


I love the hair! I may have to do that with Claire and Mads hair! How do you do it...rubber bands or clippies?

Amy said...

Those are adorable! I love the curls! I may have to try Peyton's hair that way. They are both close in age...just like my two. Peyton will be 4 in October...evan turned 2 in July. (19 months a part)

Cheri (aka "The Mom Lady") said...

I've never done the lack background at The Picture People - we've always used white and I guess I've stuck with it as they are usually displayed together relatively. But the black background is really cool! I like it! Of course, the two absolutely adorable blonde girls has NOTHING to do with it either...

I guess Aubrey is the one you were on the Sept Sunbeams board with Jennifer? She and Ben are the same age - his b'day is week after next.

Unknown said...

AG is sooooo tan and beautiful. MM is GORGEOUS with her hair and her delightful grin in the first pic - thanks so much for sharing. I miss them!

Sarcasta-Mom said...

Those photos came out GREAT! Of course, it helps when you have beautiful children to start with :)

Cindy B said...

I love the pictures! They are so CUTE!!!! Molly's hair looks really cute.

Kelly said...

Aw, they are both gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Em! Your girls are BEAUTIFUL! Of course, you knew that already! Hope you guys are doing well!

rebekca said...

I LOVE those pictures!

And I also love the post title. not as much as the pictures, but it's a close 2nd...

That Chick Over There said...

Oh my goodness, so beautiful girls!