Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Hypothesis and Log Entry

Doug's Theory of Heat and Rockfish:
As the temperature of the water rises, the striped bass become somewhat dormant, eat less, generally are more lazy and take the bait less. Therefore, the current environmental conditions in Cape Elizabeth are not condusive to productive fishing.

Log Engry for 7/31:
A most beautiful day! We hit the beach for a couple of hours and found a live crab and live hermit crabs. Aubrey SWAM in the ocean and we got it on video! It was very cool. Around 11:00 we packed up and headed down to meet Grandy and Granddad at the boat. We took a family boat ride around Richmond Island, to Higgins Beach and then to Two Lights. Aubrey said, "Faster". Molly was either screaming or asleep. Aubrey got to steer the boat again and was very cute snuggling with me.

Aunt Jean and Uncle Alan arrived safely and are enjoying a beautiful sunset on the deck - Doug and I are sitting at opposite ends of a table on laptops.

Grandy's Lily

Taken in the garden this morning.

Monday, July 30, 2007


So I figured out how to get pictures from Doug's camera... use his computer to post :) Here are some random pics from the last few weeks.

Trying to wrangle my girls.

Fun at the beach.

Flying with Daddy - this is a beautiful shot taken by Grandy at the beach.

Uncle Mark reading to Allison, Caleb, Anna, and Aubrey. (Allison is Anna and Caleb's cousin)

Molly randomly hugged Aubrey. It was so cute!


Saturday Doug and I went out on a date. We headed into the Old Port for drinks at a couple different bars and then headed to the Good Table for a great dinner and a pitcher of Sangria.

This afternoon we all took a walk. This is about 3:30 today. It is VERY foggy. Daddy and Aubrey are looking for sea glass.

Aubrey thought Molly should wear the butterful wings and Molly loved it! She flew all over the house!

I was trying to take the picture of Molly and Aubrey gave Molly a spontaneous hug. Very sweet.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Before and After

These pictures were taken less than one minute apart... Molly was MUCH happier after stealing Aubrey's spoon and eating some ice cream.

Friday Beach Fun

We spent the morning at the beach again. Aubrey was VERY brave and enjoyed jumping in the waves and was out up to her neck. Molly was as brave, but was a bit hungry today and spent most of the morning in the stroller EATING every bit of food we packed.

Aubrey and Daddy Water Fun! Spinning and waiting for waves.

Mommy and Aubrey built an island and a castle on the island.
"There will be no bears there because we turned the dark off" That is what Aubrey told me about the castle.

More Water Fun

Touching Base

So I have not been very good about blogging this week! We have been busy. I have my camera working again but still haven't gotten a bunch of good pics from Doug's camera. So things will be out of order for a few days :)
Aubrey went on a big boat ride on Saturday the 21st! She had so much fun with Daddy and Granddad.

She even got to captain the boat!

Thursday we spent the morning on the beach as a family. Daddy got Molly to go for a nice nap!

Thursday night we went to LL Bean and Ben & Jerry's. Daddy got Aubrey an ice cream cone with Brownie Chunk Chocolate Ice Cream... the mess was unbelieveable! But she ate every single bite.

Aubrey, How old are you going to be on your birthday?

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The Fish

I received this email from my husband - as did both his brothers.

Well, after one of the greatest fights from a striper, I landed a behemoth.

Initially measured at 40”, the official measurement is 39”.

All I can say is thanks to my wife and children for their unconditional support. Also thanks go to Grandad and grandy for all their support and help.


PS – Most of the fish will be given as a birthday gift to my mother in law, and of course, Ted gets the tail.

Monday, July 23, 2007

General Update

My camera is broken and it is taking a little bit of work to figure out how to get Doug's pictures on my computer - but I am working on it.

Molly cut another tooth - her 7th. And she is having MAJOR break throughs in TALKING! She has said the following in the last 3 days:
2) Ark - Uncle Mark
3) Granddad
4) Cracker
5) Fall Down
6) abre - Aubrey
7) Axie - maxie
8) The previously mentioned NANA
9) Dirdie - Birdie
10)mo mo mo- MORE (always 3 times...)
11) stacie - Aunt Stacie

And other VERY distinct 2 syllable sounds repeated while pointing that I can NOT figure out but are used over the course of 2 days in the same general vicinity.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Summer Fun

We were having some silly time on Thursday evening. Aubrey was learning how to use the camera and was using daddy as a jungle gym.

Everyone say, ahhhh, sisters! They were playing VERY nicely together.

Grandy and I headed to Red's Eats for the most amazing lobster rolls (all the meat of an entire lobster on a "itty bitty" roll). Then we went shopping at Edgecomb. This was after we had a very relaxing hour at Picture People with the girls.

When I say relaxing I am LYING. AND when I say ITTY BITTY I am doing it in the Aladin voice...

Link to Edgecomb and amazing pottery: http://edgecombpotters.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=CTGY&Store_Code=EP&Category_Code=P

So after getting Harry Potter this morning, we hit a yard sale and got this "Paris Hilton University" for Molly and the gigantic doll house for Aubrey.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Another Gray Day

Daddy, Grandy, Aubrey, and Molly headed down to see Aunt Stacie, Anna, and Caleb and go to an Animal Encounter show at Kensington Elementary. Caleb held a 15 ft boa constrictor. They all went to the park to play and had a yummy lunch. Apparantly Molly did great walking everywhere with her new Tivas on.

It was leftover night for dinner and I enjoyed 2 Lindt Lindor Truffles - Dark - YUM. Girls had baths and Aubrey is watching Ice Age.

Pretty wonderful day.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Story Time and Groceries

gray day...

Daddy and Grandy took Aubrey and Molly to story time at the library and then they all went to the grocery store. Aubrey drove the car all around the store and ran into a little boy who had cheese so she had to have cheese.

Grandy and I hit the consignment shop and had a nice hour of relaxation and shopping - I found some great buys!

I have been up since 4 working and fading in a big way but Doug and I are going to go The Front Room - a new restuarant on the East Prom. It was AMAZING! We hit the drink specials and house wine and Shipyard beers were 2 bucks a glass :) Everything was fresh and yummy - seriously yummy.

One bit of news - I painted Aubrey's toenails and fingernails for the first time last night(with that color we got at About Faces, Lori-Anne). She was SOOO cute about it - and in fact still is holding her fingers/hands very daintily.

Sorry no fun pictures or stories... did I mention fading fast?

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Water Fun

We are having so much fun with the water! And while we were out here we made stepping stones - a hand print for Aubrey and a footprint for Molly, with all our treasures from the beach!
This is what it has come down to when trying to grill while mommy is working... Daddy carries the baby to keep her out of trouble!

Family lunch! Yummy grilled hot dogs!


I am a princess and I am cute - DEAL WITH IT!

Fishing Log - Updated Daily

7/26 and 7/27 - No fish, but apparently great days out on the water.

7/25 - 30 and 26 inch Stripers Caught, the 26 was legal, and made a GREAT dinner!

7/24 FORTY INCH STRIPED BASS, yes I said 40 inches. Doug is still out on the boat... he just radioed in and we are going CRAZY here at the house! Pictures and details to come! (picture is the 40 incher)

7/17 Doug 26 inch Striped Bass

7/11 Doug 29 inch Blue Fish
7/?? Dad Craig 24 inch Striped Bass, Doug 2 Small Ones
7/4 - Mark 29 inch Striped Bass


This morning I held up a banana to Molly (who eats an entire one every morning). She looked up and said, "Nana". Clear as a bell! Granddad and I both started and cheered her on! YAY a WORD!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Monday the 16th

You could not have asked for more beautiful weather. It was an amazing day today here in Cape Elizabeth. We started the day off with a long walk on the beach at a VERY low tide (almost a drainer). Aubrey and I found lots of treasures on our walk.
Understand, I had no idea this picture was being taken or it wouldn't have been at this angle!

After lunch and naps Doug took the girls up to see Grandy who voluteers at the Portland Head Light gift shop.

Everyone (except Molly and I) just headed over to Fairy Beach where dogs are allowed to swim and run in the evenings and in the mornings. I am waiting for a call from work - BOO! Unfortunatley, I am looking at both cameras so there won't be any pictures from that adventure!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

How Could I Forget... Max

Max had quite the wild weekend. Friday night he had a run in with a skunk and we ALL came out on the losing end of that. His head STILL stinks - full head shot of spray! (luckily we were in Lake Winni and didn't have to smell him all weekend - thanks Grandy and Grandad :))

Sunday morning Max cornered and CAUGHT a chipmunk in his mouth. He is such a good dog he listened to Granddad and let go of the chipmunk - who was still very much alive.

Five minutes ago I took Molly out of her high chair and Max got his HEAD stuck in the leg hole and almost took down the whole kitchen trying to get it out...

Great Friends, Great Fun

We had so much fun this weekend! The house was beautiful or as Aubrey said when we walked in, "This is the most amazing cool house I ever saw in my life". Sydney is a great hostess and Aubrey wants to "see cindy tomorrow, she's my friend". Cole is so adorable and laid back! He and I really bonded, I think. Scott and Kimberly were wonderful hosts! It was so fun to see Billy - and JULIE WE MISSED YOU!

Dillon and Owen are amazing! They are so vibrant and happy. Aubrey was QUITE excited to see "Uncle Brian". She was very curious about Lynne being a dance teacher.

Kimberly took us on a great boat ride! Doug and my girls stayed home for naps. We saw some beautiful houses on the lake and went into Wolfeboro. It was a beautiful day.

We ended the day with some poker and more beer. Doug was out early (no surprise), and Lynne really cleaned up! Guts was interesting... I guess...

Can't wait to see everyone again early August! Enjoy the pics.


A beautiful rainbow behind the house.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Lake Winnipesaukee

Doug headed to Lake W today to play golf and hang with the boys. The ladies and the kids are headed up Saturday morning for a beautiful day on the lake! We are staying at the most beautiful house on the lake - with lots of boats, jet skis, etc. We were lucky enough to visit there for an afternoon last year but this year we get to spend the night! Nice to have friends in high places!

I will post pics and updates on Sunday after we get back and rested. We will not have cell coverage!

Lots O Pictures

So I forgot that Doug had pictures from the beach yesterday on his camera... here are a bunch of shots of Molly!
I did about 4 posts this morning... so scroll down!