Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Maryland State Fair 2010 Edition

Different visit this year as the girls were older, we went with friends, we went later in the evening than past years. We didn't hit the Cow Palace, see the horses, see the Scales, or any other building. We did see the petting area, and eat in the Maryland area (my favorite). And we rode rides. And we made our kids cry because the games people would pretend to hand the kids a beanbag or dart and then pull it away when we wouldn't hand over our life savings.

And of course the ice cream. ICE CREAM that is so good, so good you can't describe. From milk, from cows, that we SAW get milked (or so I like to believe).

Notable fact, first year at the fair WITHOUT A STROLLER!

Pics from my phone cause I left my camera in the car...

Molly and Aubrey
The crew.
Molly and Sarah
Aubrey and Sydney
Sydney and Aubrey

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