Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Worst Part

As a working mom who commutes about 30 miles... the worst part of the end of summer is the time it will add to my commute. This week is probably the last week that the drive will be 30 minutes. It will double when schools are in session on Monday.

While I will miss hot summer days at the pool, I am already enjoying the cool mornings. And while I will hate the city in the winter and the cold, I can already see Spring and the blooming of my tulips...

But did I mention the doubling of my commute time?

Have you heard about the Stephanie Meyer Twilight books? I started them on vacation and am already on book 4. So good.


Sarcasta-Mom said...

There are a lot of pros and cons that go on with the start of a new school year. I can imagine doubling the commute time, and *gulp* gas is a big con.

And now that I've heard yet another person recommend the Twilight series, I think I may just have to bite the bullet and read at least one myself...

Unknown said...

My "commute" gets just a few miles shorter taking her to Pre-K instead of the sitter's. But I have that bus issue in the neighborhood that I need to watch for.

anne watson said...

I hated that about living in Virginia...the moment you saw school busses your commute doubled. Blah!

Anonymous said...

So I'm avoiding working today -- too many projects so I'm thrashing -- so I caught up on your Blog. Save the Twilight series for when your girls get into middle school. Haley and I are reading them together and they are the perfect entre into discussions about love. My heart rejoiced when Haley said "Mom, Bella should love Jacob as he makes her feel happy versus Edward who so absorbs her she is willing to die" Darn I wish I had been that smart as a pre-teen!