When we arrived at the beach on Saturday, I brought out the little potty, Molly sat down, and opened 2 presents, pretty princess panties and stickers. She was also offerred an M&M for being a big girl and sitting on the potty.
She did great. But I didn't do great. Being at the beach, having 2 girls running around needing attention, I really was not consistent with her and I didn't get her sitting as I should have. So the first 2 days she peed and pooped in the potty, between rounds of NOT doing those things in the potty. BUT Arley wanted in on the action and he ended the week potty trained! To the point that when naked he would walk over and pee and poo in the potty with no help!
On Wednesday I gave up - because of me more than because of Molly. I put her in diapers - except for at the beach. She was free-styling it all week in her bathing suit.
When we got home from the beach she said, "I have poopy I potty". So I put her on the potty. She looked like she was trying to do something... and then her sister walked in and she said "All done". We walked to the stairs, I hung up a coat whereby Molly squated down and pooped at my feet. And Max ran by and tried to eat it and Molly stepped in it and I yelled out "Welcome Home Craigs" and Doug and I laughed ourselves silly.
So... Arley is potty trained - he turned 2 in May. Molly is not... but I was confident enough that she wouldn't poop in her bathing suit in the pool that when we went today she free-styled there and was fine.
Good things about this trip: 1) Molly doesn't poop 5 times a day anymore, she does it twice and 2) When I have the energy and can maybe get Aubrey out of the house for 2 days I am pretty sure we can be potty trained and out of diapers and 3) We are out of swimmie daipers and Molly can swim in the big pool.
Oh, and this morning Molly told me she needed the big girl potty, we sat and sat and again I know she could have done something but her sister came in to use the sink and she wanted to go run after her and play with water...
Consistency, rewards, consistency, and encouragement - those are the tools of the trade! I think my sister and her husband were quite surprised that Arley did so well.... even at the beach!
I do not miss the potty training days. My daughter just didn't get it. Actually she did, but she had adhesions that had to be removed .So she was potty trained, but it closed up on her and was painful to go and we didn't understand why she wouldn't ... well ... it's fixed now.
I can't even handle a 'normal' day in our house, let alone giving potty training a try.
Tommy's sort-of ready. But will NOT poop on it. So - come August - its HARDCORE Potty time!
Sounds like an awesome start! She'll be potty trained in no time! I'm also convinced that Madeline would potty train if we could get Claire out of the house for 2 days -- she is going every time i put her on the potty -- but with the two of them......forget it
You are brave starting that on vacation! But, it sounds like you have a good start, you need to just get the older sister out of the house for a little while so she is not a distraction.
I'll have to do the potty training thing in the next few months...I'm holding off as long as I can...
Looks like you guys had a great time on your vacation...good for you on putting everything away and grocery shopped...that usually takes me two days to get done. Actually, our trip last weekend...the suitcase is still in our bedroom. Maybe I'll get to that today!
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