- Erin and I went to High School together in Texas. What was that, 5 years ago? She has 3 boys, is a Navy mom and just moved to her current state of residence... after literally escaping the fires in San Diego last fall...
- There is a woman who is deciated not only to blogging 365 days a year but to blogging about a recipe from a crock pot that she is using 365 days this year! Very interesting!
- This lady, Suburban Turmoil lives in Tennesse, has 2 young ones and 2 teenage step daughters. I find her to be very though provoking and entertaining. She also blogs at Parents.com and has links to those articles.
- Don Mills Diva has a young son and again is entertaining and interesting!
Regular Places I comment or am commented by:
- Lydia and Jessica - college roommates
- Kelly, Jen, Ali, and Anne - all have 3 years born within a month and met on BabyCenter.
- Becky - friends with Kelly and Jen
- That's Life 2.0 - who I found through The Caffeinated Librarian who I found through Blogs of Note.
- Sunshine who you should know from all the BLING on my side nav :)
- Amy has 2 little girls and a great review website I keep up with.
- Cube - a former co-worker and brilliant artist/web designer/art director. We are working on THIS together.
If I unintentionally did not link to you, comment and I will fix it :)
Hey...There I am!! SWEET.
You know I love the bling.
Too kind. Love the link. Although, if you go to my blog, you might just hear crickets chirping ;-)
Hello. I'm Becky. I'm slightly dysfunctional and my family is nuts.
Let's get together?
Props! I like how you keep us all in the loop on each other!
Hi Emily! Thank you for linking to me! I'm having a lot of fun on this adventure---I'm learning an awful lot.
I'm eating a lot, too.
Thanks for the linkage!
And I am all over that crockpotting website, I love my crockpot...
Thanks Em for the intro. I'm already getting obsessed with this blogging thing. Signed up for Google Reader today.
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