A new era has approached this family.
An era where children sleep past 6:45.
An era where sleeping in can be said without a manical laugh and bags under all eyes.
An era where, by god, the coffee might be COLD because we didn't make it downstairs in time.
I am poised to live in this era, to be one with this era, and I hope the rest of my family embraces this new time upon us. There might be challenges and there might be hills we will need to climb but we are strong and we are loving and I BELIEVE we can do it.
and, I? I am J-E-A-L-O-U-S.
with a capital J.
Off to drink my coffee and tend to my bags :-P....
BTW - we have matching stationary :-)
Thanks for the coupon!!
you suck.
Enough said
I fell asleep in my clothes last night, jeans and all. Then, at 12:30, the bed was getting full - Jen, Natalie (2.5 yrs old), Olivia (4.5 yrs old), Sophy (the dog) - so I moved to the guest bedroom where I stayed till this morning. I don't remember when we got up. I dream of a day when I can sleep in my own bed.
sooooo jealous...
Oh I'm sure you can! Lucky you!
Find your inner strength. You Can Do It!
I've almost given up coffee since my husband has it start so early in the morning and by the time I get to it, it's just shut off.
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