Sunday, April 20, 2008

Just Eat Em Up

Seriously, aren't they cute?


InTheFastLane said...

So cute. How could you not eat them up?

Anonymous said...


the third one is awesome!

Erin said...

They are sooooo adorable! I'm sooooo jealous! I can't get the boys to take a nice picture. I have to threaten them with a beating and that still doesn't work.

Sarcasta-Mom said...

Way too cute :)

anne watson said...


Its like Aubrey and Mini-Aubrey!

SOO cute!

Jenny said...

seriously. cute. cute. cute.

Wendy said...

Ohmigoodness!! I cannot believe how big they both look!! I've been away from the board for too long!!! Ahhh!! Too cute!! :D
