Thursday, December 20, 2007

Last Night's Drama and Clarification

**OK, I have gotten a number of phone calls from loved ones... for the record... I DID NOT tell Aubrey I killed her chocolate pony. I was thinking it but did not SAY it to her.**

Last night, 11:38 pm, Aubrey is crying. I go into her room and she is asleep but crying. I ask her what is wrong, and with her eyes closed and still crying she says, "too many dragons, too MANY DRAGONS, there are too many dragons" desperately.

Um, yeah. So I give her a cuddle, brush back her hair, put on a cover, and tell her I love her. She calms down and rolls over and I go back to bed.


Mommy said...

I didn't actually think you said that - but I've had similar conversations with myself - in my head - when Tommy wakes up in the night!

Erica said...

Hey, remind me to tell you about my friend and her kids. Certain food dyes give her kids night terrors and cause them to misbehave more than usual. Interesting stuff...

Unknown said...

Awww, that is sad in a way. Sorry that she isn't sleeping soundly. I hope that your phase goes by quicker than ours!

InTheFastLane said...

Even if you had said it, I would not have thought bad about you.

Jessica said...

I'm sure I have said many inappropriate things when I have been scared out of bed in the middle of the night by a screaming don't even want to know what I say to the cat when he starts meowing at 3 AM!

Jessica said...

p.s. Erica, I could use the night terror info. Evan gets them and it's usually when he's overtired, but I'd be curious about the food dyes. Anything I can do to avoid those things, because they are AWFUL!!

Erica said...

Okay, so my friend's Mom stopped letting her and her sister have foods with red or yellow dye when they were kids because her sister had reactions. Then when her daughter went on a medication with yellow dye she started screaming about worms in her bed EVERY night. She got meds w/o dye and it stopped. After some experimenting, she has discovered that her girls react to both red and yellow dyes so she avoids them completely.