Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I Quit

The pressure is too great... with being in Florida for a week for work, and then the Florida vacation in March and a trip in June to the beach and then Maine... and maybe a new something I can't talk about here... I just can't committ to blogging every day.

I resign. BUT I will still probabably do it, just without the pressure.

Also, cutest thing ever...

Molly now says "Mommy"

And the most annoying thing ever...

Molly doesn't stop saying "Mommy"... but I love it and am excited her vocabulary has exploded.


Jenny said...

Good for you! That 365blog thing is way crazy. At least a little bit crazy anyway. You aren't pregnant are you?? YAY for chatty molly! Glad you are home safe and sound :-)

anne watson said...

Hey, it's ok! :)

Hooray for Molly saying MOMMY! BOO on her saying it all the time.............

Sunshine said...

You couldn't PAY me to try to blog everyday for a year!
There's the crazy "reality" thing that gets in the way!

Anonymous said...

subliminal hints here?

Amy W said...

It's especially great when they yell Mommy in the middle of the night and your husband says she's calling you even though you have been up late...sorry, I digress.

There is no way I could blog everyday either.

Unknown said...

I was thinking pregnant too, but why not talk about it here - (things that make you go -hhhhmmmmmm)

emily said...

I am not freaking pregnant. But if you look at what cube said you might get a hint at where this could head... but not anytime soon...

Kelly said...

Man. After these comments I almost feel stupid trying to blog everyday.

I think I know the "not pg" thing. I think you mentioned it somewhere else.

Anonymous said...

I hereby re-name the month as such:


or should it be:


I think both work.

Mommy said...

OK...Cube said something on one post about the toilet. And then something else about re-organizing, de-cluttering the basement. SO Are you going into the HUGE toilet business, or the de-clutter business?!

Anonymous said...

you know, I might go into the huge toilet business myself. it seems like it could be a lot of fun:
