Friday, February 29, 2008


I have been resisiting writing this post because it is #300 (dun dun dun) and I wanted it to be inspiring, funny, profound, and thoughtful.

Or not...

If you don't know, I don't think about what I am going to write about, ahead of time. Really, I just hit New Post and words come out. When I try to think about what I am going to write I get too wrapped up on who my potential audience is or if I sound dorky or what if they don't like it, etc.

So my 300th post will really be a WOO Fing HOO the weekend is here. The place I am sitting as I write this sucks great big monkey balls, seriously, they do. BUT...
1) Soon I will be picking up my kids and playing
2) Packing to head to VA to paint
3) Hitting the gym
4) Driving 2 hours in a car, by myself, to have some girl time, maybe?!? get a hair cut?? (and the 2 hours by myself is a GOOD THING! I got an iPod and some ABBA, what more could a girl ask for)
5) Painting and heading home on Saturday

And maybe, just maybe, I won't have to use my brain much. That would be good.

So my 3ooth post (dun dun dun) is here... and now I can blog feely without the freaking PRESSURE!


Jenny said...


You are now on my blogroll always and forever my friend - it is a work in progress (my blog roll) - a testament to my un-techiness that I have to transfer all the links manually and I didn't get very far during morning nap :-)

Jessica said...

Where in VA are you and why didn't you tell me you were coming this direction...seriously, woman...

InTheFastLane said...

I am glad the pressure is off now. Have a great weekend! All that time alone can only be a good thing, right?

Mommy said...

uuummm....who was pressuring you?

Unknown said...

Well I feel honored that you included me in your #300!! I'm so incredibly sorry for how the w/e turned out though - UGH! But I finally looked at as "it was meant to be". We were done in 3 hours, w/ just the painting. How are the girls?

anne watson said...

Monkey balls. LOL You are hilarious.

How did the Painting party go? I wish I could have been there!