Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Matt and I had an idea: And we’re moving forward with it at lightning speed.
Matt designed this logo last night after the kiddies finally fell asleep and bought the domain today. DNS may still be propagating, but feel free to have a peak.


Mommy said...

I don't get it. Am I not "techie" enough?

Jessica said...

I think we should be afraid. Very, very afraid.

Anonymous said...

I know I'm afraid!


InTheFastLane said... I have that damn banjo song in my head :) So...will you two be combining forces for a Male vs. Female blog? Am I close?

emily said...

ITFL - you are VERY close. It will be a little more than male vs female though - because it is also homeschooling vs public, organic vs not very, no sleep vs sleep... artistic vs NOT... upbeat vs NOT :)

Very different in LOTS of aspects but still a lot of friendship and respect! Be both have great marraiges, 2 daughters, etc.

Jenny said...

sounds fun :-)

rebekca said...


This is gonna be g-o-o-d! I can't wait!

Sunshine said...

There won't be any squealing like a pig, right??? Please God.

Anonymous said...

Now that you've mentioned it, we will be adding sound effects so that everytime a user submits a comment, the pig squealing noises from "Deliverance" will play.

Amy W said...
