Thursday, February 28, 2008


So on Sunday, after our 3 hour tour at Wal Mart and haircuts, the girls put on the new nightgowns that Aubrey picked out, "mommy they have moons and hearts and stars and hearts". I couldn't resist trying to take some pictures!

They were HILARIOUS! They would hug and try to wrestle each other down. Molly kinda won a few times... that child is STRONG!


Mommy said...

She has a lower center of gravity that Aubrey.... that might help her!
CUTE. And Aubrey's hair looks ADORABLE!!

Amy W said...


Jenny said...

very cute :-)

Don Mills Diva said...

Aww - you should frame that top one - just adorable!

anne watson said...

I LOVE the tackling. :) Miss Mads does that too with Claire...

Cute nightgowns and cute haircuts!

Jessica said...

You sound surprised by Molly's strength--I've seen her getting ready to move in for the kill--even Eric looked a little afraid and that boy is a tiny tank!!

I love how Aubrey talked you into the new matching nightgowns; she's my kind of girl!