A few months ago my cousin asked Aubrey to be a flower girl in her wedding. The wedding will take place in the Summer of 2009. Since the day she was asked to be a flower girl and told that she will have a beautiful dress and beautiful hair and carry flowers she has asked me, DAILY,
"Mommy, am I still the flower gulr?" .
"But Mommy, am I the flower gulr now"
"Mommy whose the flower gulr I am for"
"Mommy whose the flower gulr I am for"
"Am I still Todd's flower gulr... and Headder"
OMG, yes child you are still the flower girl. You will be the flower girl forever and ever.
I am not sure if I can stand to be asked this more than 400 more times. Seriously.
I'm just guessing that she won't be one of those shy flower girls who freaks out when she realizes that EVERYONE is looking at her!
Well you are in luck as 400 more times/daily = almost the end of June 2009 (better hope the wedding is in June).
J - I tried to spell it like she says it, it is cute.
MROS - It is probably more like August...
That's so cute. :)
Does she have a dress yet? I'm dying for someone to ask Claire to be a flower gurl in their wedding before she outgrows her simply gorgeous dress....
Dur...summer of 2009. I thought it said summer of 2008.
How fun. My daughter was a flower girl at my SIL's wedding. My niece was too. My niece chickened out at the last minute. The incident generated one of my most favorite pictures of my daughter as seen here.
I'm trying to imagine this...like "guller"?
Too cute! The whole kit-n-ka-boodle family is in my sister's wedding this summer...my daughter is quite excited about being a flower girl...she thinks she's going to be a 'princess'...oh, to be 3 again!!
ahhhh - don't you wish we all could muster up genuine anticipation like that!!
makes me happy.
and wow - she is a beautiful flower girl :)
400, 500 about the same number of times that Jack Jack asks me EVERYTHING!
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