Thursday, October 25, 2007

Going to the Game with G-Taw's Goat

It is G week at Lori-Anne's. Today is show and tell and Aubrey took the Navy Goat.

I just talked to LA and apparently this is what Aubrey said when it was her turn to present:
"G-Taw gave me this Goat. G-Taw goes to work where the Game is for the Goat. G-Taw goes to get the Goat for the Game. G-Taw is going to the game with the goat he gave me. I have a pink seahorse....

where she was interupted by LA and redirected to G-Taw or Goat

And apparently she said this all in one breath...


Mommy said...

Who do you think she inherited all that talking from?

rebekca said...

Well, mentioning the pink seahorse did kind of steal the show. It was like reading black and white, and then suddenly COLOR!

She must be something, that Aubrey of yours :)