Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Sleep Habits

How is it that one child from my womb sleeps like a rock and nothing can wake her up and the other child, also from my womb, sleeps so lightly that EVERYTHING wakes her up?


Mommy said...

The same reason that you and your sister are so different!

Erica said...

What do you mean Lydia? :)

Mommy said...

Seriously? You two are freakishly alike and completely different! And the wierdest thing about the Krajnik sisters is that they BOTH married guys named Doug! (I think I know maybe 3-4 Dougs - its not a common name for people in our age bracket!)

Unknown said...

Too funny, however I think that we warned you about the 180 degree differences in a 1st and 2nd child! haha

Erica said...

You are very observant, Lydia! Some days I can't believe how much alike we are and some days how different! Weird!

Rollingthunder said...

Hmmmm, Emily sleeps like a log. I sleep lightly. I wonder how these children are so different?

PS-> Which is the one that sleeps lightly?