Calm down, no seriously, stop yelling and calm down. I didn't forget about you - not one bit. I had a busy morning, I thought about you today, all day, a lot. I wished I could stop in and say hello, I tried to stop by your blogs, I did.

Innnnnn and Ouuuuuuut, Ahhh, that is better. Take a deep breath, count to 10.
So the Monday before Thanksgiving. That means 35 days til Christmas. So how many online shopping days does that leave? Scared yet? I am...
I want to celebrate Thanksgiving like it is the only holiday this month - which is hard to do with the Christmas music, decorations, etc at all the stores. But in the spirit of Thanks and Giving let's have a question a day until Saturday.
Monday's Thankgiving Question:
What food or foods mean "thanksgiving" to you?
For my husband it is stuffing. Not just any stuffing, his mom's stuffing. It has to be her way or the highway, there has to be LOTS of it and really it has to be made by her to not get questioned. Even when I follow the directions I have from her EXACTLY he stands over my shoulder and questions it. But we are getting better. And she really does make really good stuffing... fresh pork sausage, onions, celery, lots of broth...
For me it is the white bread, with margarine and salt, and turkey with a side of Ruffles Chips. Nothing better!
NaBloPoMo silly song:
You ain't got no Alibi
You're Cute
Hey Hey
you cute
You can reach the sky
Reach Up
Hey Hey
Reach Up
You can wave bye bye
You wavin'
Hey Hey
You wavin'
You make my heart sigh
You're loved
Hey Hey
You're loved
Just a guess, but that one must be more hip hop - less opera?
Oh, and I love it :-)
Ri-ight, and to finally answer the question (sorry. I am lame. and sleep deprived.) It's mom's mashed potatoes with mom's turkey gravy.
Going to the in-laws this year.
Oh well.
There's always next year. ;-
Mashed potatoes with gravy...and a side of white bread dipped in gravy. I think I have a starch problem....maybe thats why my butt got so big!
Food in general means Thanksgiving around here. If we're talking about my husband and you're standing in front of a pecan pie- you best step aside.
I'm a cheese and cracker snacker. With some nice wine :)
and green bean casserole. and corn bread. and stuffing made with wild rice and apples and nuts.
Love the song.
Turkey and sweet potatoes with marshmallows on the top. With the marshmallows golden brown and hard on top and ooey-gooey underneath. (but no nuts in my sweet potatoes, please)
Pumpkin pie with TONS of whipped cream (out of a can, none of that cool whip crap)
Yeah, Thanksgiving is all about the people, and the stuffing (just barely in that order).
While my wife does almost duplicate it, I question her true dedication to the art of making it. I mean, she might answer her phone while she is making it. What's that?
that last comment from your husband made me giggle...but I am reading it from the outside, so if you feel the need to chuck a shoe at him- you are more than welcome to borrow one of my "Chanel's"
No, he is a funny guy, a funny funny guy. FUNNY.GUY.
He was questioning the amount of stuffing I was making so I called his mom... she thinks I should make HALF of what I bought - HA. So he WILL be leaving me alone about the stuffing...
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