Aubrey has a 101.7 fever and her 'cough' hurts (her throat). She is being a trouper and laying quietly on the couch with LOTS of friends and cuddles and her snuggle blanket.
The coffee grinder broke this morning and we have NO COFFEE. Husband has to start working in 10 minutes so I can't even run out and get coffee and get back here before he has to work.
I am not a happy camper.
Hey wait, my husband just handed me a Low Fat Vanilla Latte. I love him and the espresso maker I forgot we had.
Ahhhhhhh, the old sick couch. I know it well!
I think my two who are prone to sore throats are becoming Chloraseptic spray addicts.
I was going to cry for you about the lack of coffee, but I am glad to see that things worked out ok in the end. I hope your little girl is feeling better soon.
You get up and blog way too early in the morning for a Saturday :-)
Hope Aubrey feels better soon...on one hand it stinks for her to be sick on the weekend, but on the other hand it's a nice excuse to stay in and be lazy!
You must have forgotten I have 2 children so LAZY sure isn't lazy... and right this minute I would pay A LOT of money to get out of the house - by myself :)
Poor AG! Hope that things are going a little better this evening! Thank.God. Doug found the espresso machine!
You still haven't told us what was in the 81 lb box...
Sick little kids are sooooo hard!
Doug rocks for the latte! Hope Aubrey gets to feeling better before anyone else gets to feeling worse.
And, yes. We want to know about the 81 pound mystery on your doorstep.
I hope Aubrey got to feeling better today.
What's in the box?!??!!
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