In knowing the question would come, I have been collecting normal every day stuff... like egg cartons, paper towel holders, we have pipe cleaners, round funny craft balls, googily eyes. So we were totally prepared.
Except for my complete lack of skills in this area.
Luckily, hubby came over and helped (and made fun of my progress to that point).
We made a horse, a dragonfly, and a rainbow.
I am very excited, I learned how to turn the flash off on my camera because I read here about the difference in flash vs natural light. So now I can do like 3 things with my fancy camera (shoot on auto, turn flash off, Format the memory card).
I'm guessing the horse is the the one with the pink fuzzy head? You did very well on your craft-making adventure and learning something new about your camera!!
What is the pointy styrofome (how in the world do you spell that?!) stuff that's not egg carton?
AG was right - the dragonfly was bee u tiful! Great horse - seriously with pom-pom's how was it supposed to look??! lol - I like using natural light a lot too!
Nicely done!! I would have forced the pipecleaners THROUGH the eggcarton to make the wings stay. Is that what Doug did?
And Em, She's 3 - and you're her mom - EVERYTHING you make is AWESOME to her!
I am so impressed! I am not at all crafty, at least in the way that involves making thing :)
I feel inspired to start collecting crafty stuff! However, my son just wants to race cars all over the house.
so does my husband.
You can do much more than me!!
That looks like it was Fun!
And if the horse is carrying a pink fuzzy ball, I think I see it.
I'm squinting. But I think I see it.
no way, those are awesome! one day, Olivia and I made Charlotte's web (with Charlotte on it) out of pipe cleaners. I tried to make Templeton the rat and Wilbur, but Olivia laughed at the Wilbur and said it looked more like an elephant...
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