Thursday, January 3, 2008

Craig Christmas Through The Years

Craig Christmas Through The Years

Our First Christmas Together - 2001

2002 - Everyonen't Engaged!

2003 Betty's Portrait of Max

2004 - Aubrey's First Christmas

This must be the year we got the Nikon D70 because these images are over 2 mg each so I had to take them to paint and destroy them :)

2005 - And you can't tell but there are 4 of us in this picture!



Thank you for the idea Zoom Girl !


Erica said...

Why can't I see any of these pics?

Jessica said...

Can't see them either :-(

Mommy said...

I SAW THEM ALL!! And they were great! You guys are ALL very photogenic!!

Jessica said...

Microsoft has a free image resizer that makes it very easy to make a smaller version of your photos.

Jessica said...

I think my link got cut off...

Amy W said...

Love the last picture the most!

Good luck on the blogging 365...I couldn't do it.

Lawyer Mama said...

What a cute family! I love those matching Christmas dresses!

anne watson said...

Cute Idea! I totally want to steal it....